
Friday, October 12, 2012

I'll have to be...Ca va aller...

oil on board 5" x 7"
This dog seems to be sad, but is it really, I don't know.So, I decided that anyway, he wanted to get over .

Ce chien semble triste, mais l'est-il vraiment, je n'en sais rien. Donc, j'ai décidé qu'il avait l'intention de surmonter son accablement.


  1. Hello Sylviane:) There are dogs who always look sad: the bloodhound for example. I love the portrait. You did very well and he looks very cute:)

  2. Parfois certains chiens sont étonnamment tristes alors qu'ils sont choyés...
    J'aime la capture de ce sentiment dans votre peinture. Beau travail.
    Gros bisous et merci pour votre gentil commentaire.

  3. Quel regard! On ne peut faire autrement que l'aimer ce pauvre pitou. Il doit être très attachant. Bisous Sylviane.

  4. Se o mar adormecer em desvario
    As ondas não mais se formarem
    Se as gaivotas se perderem do ninho
    As árvores mais altas tombarem

    Se o dia não encontrar a manhã
    As nuvens deixarem de chorar água pura
    Se as pedras da ilha roubarem a cor ao verde
    As tuas palavras deixarem de ser raiva dura

    Boa semana

    Doce beijo

  5. Hello! Thank you for following me. I will enjoy watching your progress, and I am very interested that you live in France: I will one day become an enthusiastic barge owner, so that I can see your country side from the rivers and canals.

  6. Hello! I'm happy yo have found you. Such perfect portraits of people and dogs as well. You really capture their character.


Thank you for your comment!