
Friday, December 21, 2012


oil on board 6"x6"
I am not sure I once made a pavlova, but I would like!
Je ne suis pas sure d'avoir jamais fait une pavlova, mais j'aimerais!

I join a video  of Stan Prokopenko, Proko, who admirably teaches how to draw Santa Claus, with such humour.Have fun and follow the link tro watch the other videos, it is worth!
Ci-après une vidéo de Proko, qui nous enseigne admirablement et avec beaucoup d'humour comment dessiner un père Noël. Ne manquez pas ses autres vidéos, elles en valent la peine!

Friday, December 14, 2012


oil on canvas 10"x8"

Another blue painting for DPW!
Une autre peinture bleue pour DPW.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Audrey T.

oïl on canvas 8"x10"
Le sujet de DPW cette semaine consiste à peindre ou dessiner le portrait d'une star en employant  la couleur bleue principalement, avec l'addition de blanc pour les parties claires, et du pourpre pour les parties ombrées. J'aimais bien cette photo d'Audrey Tautou, et je vais peut-être utiliser cette peinture comme sous-couche avant de passer à la couleur. Et comme ça m'a plu, j'en ai une autre en préparation!
DPW challenge, this week, asks us to paint a star using mainly blue, with white for light areas, and purple for darker ones. I like this picture of Audrey Tautou (Amélie Poulain), maybe I'll use this as an underpainting. And, as I like this subject, another one is already on the easel!

Friday, December 7, 2012

What a rain!

oil on canvas 6"x10"
J'ai peint ceci pour le challenge de DPW, avec pour sujet la pluie , qui ne manque pas ici dans le Sud-Ouest, où il pleut tous les jours depuis un long moment, mais avec de belles éclaircies , soleil et lunettes de soleil de rigueur, quand même!
I painted this young man opening his umbrella under a strong shower, but too late, because his tee-shirt is completely soaked!it is  for DPW challenge;the subject was the rain, of course. 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Crème Nivéa

oil on canvas 6"x6"
C'est pour le challenge de DPW , dont le sujet était la couleur bleue, que j'ai peint cette boite de crème Nivéa; J'ai regardé autour de moi dans la maison pour chercher quelquechose de cette couleur;il fallait que ce soit simple, c'était déjà mercredi;je ne voulais pourtant pas un sujet comportant une ellipse, j'ai de mauvais souvenirs en la matière,
I painted this tin for DPW challenge, the subject was the blue color.I had to find quickly something, because  it was already Wednesday , and I wanted to finish before Saturday. Even I didn't want an ellipse in it, it was the simple thing I could find, in the bathroom.It is used by my husband, for his hands.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wo wo ...

Oil on board  6" x 6"
I painted this owl  for ADNW November challenge.I would not like to be face to face with it...
J'ai peint cette chouette pour le challenge d'ADNW .J'avoue que je n'aimerais  pas me trouver nez à nez avec cet oiseau...

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Sierra Leone #2

Oil on gessoboard 6" x 6"
Reference photo by Steve Evans
Je reprendrai sans doute dans quelques jours ce portrait, j'ai un peu forcé sur le jaune dans le blanc de l'oeil.
         Samedi prochain, le 17 novembre, auront lieu les élections en Sierra Leone. Ce pays de 5, 4 millions d'habitants, d'une extrême pauvreté, a pour président de la république Ernest Koroma, depuis 2007. Ces jours-ci on peut lire que les meurtres rituels sont encore pratiqués à l'occasion des élections., Des sorciers peuvent par exemple se servir de graisse humaine pour enduire  le visage de la  personne qui souhaite le pouvoir, avant qu'il n'aparaisse en publi;il attire ainsi parait-il tous les suffrages.Il y a peu de temps, un villageois a trouvé sa soeur de 35 ans morte dans un buisson: ses organes internes, ainsi que sa langue, avaient été enlevés.Cet homme en a donc déduit qu'il s'agissait d'un sacrifice rituel.Nous sommes pourtant en 2012 et ça fait froid dans le dos.
I'll refine this portrait in a few days for improving the eyes, the yellow color is too strong.
In Sierra Leone the elections will take place on Saturday, the 17th of November.
Ernest Koroma has been the president of the Republic since 2007, in this very poor country(70% of the population).
We can read these days that ritual murders still exist in election periods: some politicians think they will gain political power from another human's body parts.
Recently a 35 year old woman was found in a bush, with her private parts and her tongue missing.Her brother said it was a ritual murder because it indicated they would be used for sacrifices.
It is frightening, when we think we are in 2012!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Deep thoughts. Pensées profondes

oil on gessoboard 5" x 7"

          I enjoyed painting this dog, he makes me think about a butler, as those used to be in Great Britain last century, or the former one!
 Boxers are a bright, energetic and playful  breed and tend to be very kind with children.They are active, strong dogs which require exercise to prevent boredom-associated  behaviours such as chewing, digging, or licking. They are not agressive but, when provoked, are perfect guardians of any family or home,They  require socialization, so need the company of either human or canine form.
J'ai bien aimé peindre ce chien imposant, il me fait penser à un majordome, comme ceux que l'on voyait en Grande bretagne au siècle dernier, ou plutôt au prédédent.
Les boxers font partie d'une race brillante, énergique et enjouée, très gentils avec les enfants. Ce sont des chiens actifs et robustes, qui ont besoin d'exercise , sinon par ennui, ils creusent, lèchent, machouillent. S'ils ne sont pas agressifs, ils peuvent par contre très bien garder une famille ou une maison.Ils ont besoin de compagnie, qu'elle soit composée de chiens ou d'humains.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Do you like captchas?

oil on board 6"x 6"

These flowers are orchids, painted for the PADT challenge of this month.
Now, something that has nothing to do with these nice flowers:

I"ll take the opportunity to speak about my aversion to the captchas; maybe you  don't know what this strange word hides:

The word " captcha"is an acronym based on the word "capture" and standing for "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart".!!!!!!!!(wikipedia)
Do you want to keep those strange things that turn off your readers?

If you don't like them in commenting  on others' blogs, here are some rules to avoid them  in your own blog:
1- go to SETTINGS in the left bar.
2- Posts and comments
3-Comment moderation: always
4- Show word verification (that is the evil): No
That is!
Ces fleurs sont des orchidées, pour le challenge PADT de ce mois.
Maintenant, autre chose n'ayant rien à voir avec ces charmantes fleurs, qui me donnent l'opportunité de parler de mon aversion pour les captchas, inventés vers l'an 2000 pour nous compliquer l'existence.
Voulez vous garder ces affreux caractères qui ne peuvent que vous éloigner de vos lecteurs?
Dans la négative, voici la marche à suivre pour vous en débarrasser:
1- cliquer sur PARAMETRES dans la colonne de gauche de Blogger
2-Publications et commentaires
3-modération de commentaires ?: toujours
4- Afficher la modération des mots:Non
Voilà, c'est fait!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Really? Vraiment?

oil on board 5" x 7"
This poor dog was walking along the street of our little town the other day; as it is short-legged, I'd almost driven over it !
Ce pauvre chien marchait le long de la rue dans notre petite ville, l'autre jour; comme il est court sur pattes, j'ai failli ne pas le voir et rouler dessus!

Friday, October 12, 2012

I'll have to be...Ca va aller...

oil on board 5" x 7"
This dog seems to be sad, but is it really, I don't know.So, I decided that anyway, he wanted to get over .

Ce chien semble triste, mais l'est-il vraiment, je n'en sais rien. Donc, j'ai décidé qu'il avait l'intention de surmonter son accablement.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Sierra Leone #1

oil on board  6" x 6"

This portrait is the first of a serie consacred to women of ethnicity different from mine.I was moved by the reserved expression of this woman, with a cautious hint of a smile. How old is she?
Life expectancy was, in 2010,58 for women and 53 for men, in Sierra Leone. We have to say that in this small country of West Africa awful wars and cholera epidemics took place several times, even in this month. Poverty is high, the purchasing power is the lowest in the world by person, the number of children the highest (6 children per woman). However, this country is rich in natural resources- especially diamonds!

Ce portrait est le premier d'une série consacrée à des femmes appartenant à des ethnies différentes de la mienne.J'ai été touchée par l'expression réservée de cette femme, ébauchant un timide et prudent sourire. Quel âge a-t-elle? L'espérance de vie était en 2010, de 58ans pour les femmes, de 53ans pour les hommes, en Sierra Leone. Il faut dire que ce petit pays d'Afrique de l'Ouest n'a pas été épargné par des guerres effroyables et des épidémies de choléra , d'ailleurs la dernière sévissait en septembre dernier.Le pouvoir d'achat par habitant est le plus bas du monde, le nombre d'enfants le plus élevé (6 en moyenne par femme).
Ce pays si pauvre possède pourtant d'importantes ressources naturelles, spécialement en diamants!
Reference photo by Steve Evans, thank you!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Don't tell me...Ne me dis pas que...

oil on paper 7" x 9"
Je riais toute seule en peignant ces deux femmes sur une plage, imaginant ce qu'elles pouvaient bien dire,critiquer etc...
I laughed by painting those two women gossiping on the beach...

Friday, September 21, 2012

Where are you?

oil on gessoboard 6" x 6"
This year, as usual, in the beginning of  August,a few seagulls were waiting for the big meeting of the middle of the month, on the same rock as usual;
they cried for calling, but nobody came;we were not too disappointed, because they are quite noisy.
Cette année, au début du mois d'août, quelques mouettes attendaient le grand rassemblement de la mi-août, sur le même rocher , comme tous les ans;seulement, malgré leurs cris d'appels, personne n'est venu, ce qui ne nous a pas contrariés, elles sont très bruyantes, en laissant les rochers blanchâtres.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The loon

Oil on board 5"x7"

The loons are our summer companions, at the Lake of the Woods, in Ontario.I added this video below (no worthwhile picture, it was only for the sound, in the night).
Les huarts sont nos compagnons de l'été, au lac des Bois, en Ontario.J'ai ajouté cette vidéo qui est ici uniquement pour le son, je n'avais pas d'autre moyen de les enregistrer.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Dpw 's subject was, this week provided by Layne Cook and we asked to choose a primary color and her complementary, plus one on each side of the color wheel.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Rue Sainte Catherine

Even if you knew Bordeaux, I guess you wouldn’t recognize the street that I painted on purpose in a loose manner, for once.This is the main street for shopping, you find every store you look for, Fnac, Galeries Lafayette, and so on.I went there once a week over the past year to participate to a painting workshop.I did this one for DPW challenge of this week.
Evidemment, meme si vous connaissez Bordeaux, vous pourriez ne pas reconnaitre cette rue, que j’ai volontairement peinte d’une façon assez floue!
C’est la rue commerçante, celle où l’on trouve tous les grands magasins, Galeries Lafayette, Fnac etc.Une fois par semaine, l’an passé, j’ai participé, juste à côté, à un atelier de peinture, ce qui m’a fait bien connaître le coin!Et j’aime beaucoup Bordeaux.
J’ai peint cette petite toile pour le challenge de DPW de cette semaine.J’aime le sujet, mais il me manquait le éléments de base pour un dessin correct, donc cet hiver je recommencerai certainement!

Monday, August 6, 2012

They called me Charles

oil on board 5"x7"

This race of dogs was named Cavalier King Charles by Charles II of England (1630-1685), who didn’t step out without them. It’s one of the most popular breeds in the UK. Apparently a King Charles spaniel is highly affectionate, playful, very patient and eager to please. So, it’s a good companion for children.
I hope this one will please you!

C’est Charles II d’Angleterre (1630-1685) qui a donné son nom au Cavalier King Charles; il ne se déplaçait jamais sans plusieurs à ses côtés, même au Parlement. C’est l’une des races les plus populaires en Angleterre.
Apparemment, il est très affectueux, joueur, vraiment patient et facile à contenter, donc idéal pour accompagner les enfants.
J'espère que celui -ci va vous plaire!

Saturday, August 4, 2012


oil on board 6"x6"
DPW subject was , this week, to paint a rose.For practical reasons,(I haven't my usual paint tubes), I chose an orange one.They called it "Annie Girardot", in the honour of the French actress, who died in 2009.
Le sujet de DPW cette semaine était de peindre une rose.J'ai choisi celle-ci, orange, car je n'ai pas mes tubes habituels.Elle s'appelle "Annie Girardot", en l'honneur de cette merveilleuse actrice française, disparue en 2009. J'ai trouvé une seule photo sur le Web, et aucun renseignement concernant la commercialisation de cette rose, j'ignore si elle existe toujours, je trouve ça un peu triste.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Snow in Winnipeg

oil on paper 2,5"x3,5"

It was a very small painting,  for DPW, after Lemoine Fitzgerald.It's a cityscape, in fact in Winnipeg, where this painter spent his whole life, and he was one of the Group of Seven. We are here at 3 hours from Winnipeg, where my husband was born, and we spent 3 lovely summer months every year ;when we had our connection at Montreal airport from France, 3 people, at different security points, asked us:But, leaving near Bordeaux, why on earth do you go to Winnipeg?Apparently, it's not very popular, I suppose because the very low climate conditions in winter.So, painting a ACEO it's a quite tricky thing, but not unpleasant!
C'est une très petite peinture, comme sujet de cette semaine sur DPW.C'est peint d'après Lemoine FItzgerald, un paysage de Winnipeg, Manitoba, où il a passé toute sa vie, et il était un des group of Seven.Nous sommes ici à 3h de route de Winnipeg, et lorsque nous avons changé d'avion à Montréal, en provenance de France, 3 personnes à des points de sécurité différents, étaient curieux de savoir pourquoi nous allions à Winnipeg.Sous-entendu:il n'y a rien à faire là-bas!Je dois dire que mon mari est né là, et nous avons des liens dans cette région, nous passons tous les ans nos 3 mois d'été ici, au lac des Bois, où nous avons nos amis depuis longtemps. Donc, peindre sur une surface si petite n'était pas une mince affaire, mais pas désagréable!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sunday cake

oil on board 6"x6"

Well,of course, it could be a sunday cake here, on the other side of the Atlantic , but this one is from France. We have been arrived for fifteen days now,and I needed this time to adapt, and begin to paint.So, it is a picture I had taken with me ans started to paint before.Here, I have my Artisans water mixing oil , it's not the same thing as the other ones.

The colours are nice, but the behaviour of the brushes not!So, I have to be patient and I hope it will come more easily...We have no power here, and our Internet connection is note regular.In the next days I'll put some pictures of our summer cottage.
So, have a nice Sunday!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

What's your name?

oil on board 6" x'4"

This little shi tzu dog  was looking very intensely to Sabine's cat,our teacher in the painting studio where I used to go once a week, in Bordeaux, this year.I had to kneel very low to take the picture, and she was so cute, I suppose she had a new haircut.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Zygoena Carniolica

oil on board 5" x 7"
This week, the subject for DPW was any  insect.
I tried to choose one I didn't know, so it is a butterfly gathering a mauve flower.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Gwen-ha-du ( white and black

oil on board 5" x 7"
This is the flag of Brittany. It is composed of five black stripes representing its French speaking areas (high Brittany) and four white stripes its Breton speaking areas (low Brittany); the ermine spots indicate the whole province.
It was considered for years as a separatist symbol; now,no longer having any political connotation,it can be seen everywhere in Brittany, and flown on sail and fishing boats.
Brittany is the province where I was born and where I lived for twenty years.
Of course, with those stripes, it still was inspired by DPW!
Il s'agit du drapeau Breton.Il se compose de cinq bandes noires représentant les diocèses où l'on parlait Français, et quatre bandes blanches pour ceux de langue Bretonne. Les queues d'hermine indiquent la province dans sa globalité. Longtemps considéré comme un symbole séparatiste, il n'a désormais plus de connotation politique, et on peut le voir partout en Bretagne, à terre et en mer.
Je suis née en Bretagne et y ai vécu vingt ans.
Evidemment, ces rayures étaient encore inspirées par DPW!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Zébrures (stripes)

oil on board 5" x 7"

I was inspired this week by the subject about stripes, so there is my second attempt .It's a piece of fabric, I had a lot of fun doing this. 
J'ai été inspirée cette semaine avec les rayures, aussi voici ma deuxième participation.Il    s'agit d'un morceau de tissu, et c'était très agréable à  réaliser .     

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Winter in Neuilly

Oil on board 5" x 7"                                         

It was  my participation for DPW challenge, this week, where we had to paint stripes.I didn't want to detail, so...
C'était ma participation pour le défi de DPW, où on nous demandait de peindre des rayures. Je ne voulais pas entrer dans les détails, donc...

Sunday, June 3, 2012

White lilies

oil on board 5" X 7"

This month, on PADT, we were given by Lela Stankovic a lovely picture of white lilies.
She attracted our attention on the great varieties of colours we can find in those white colours.Before sending my painting to PADT , I read several times the instructions of Lela, and each time discover something new which gives me the idea to start again a better one, that is very stimulating.

Thursday, May 31, 2012


oil on board 5" X 7"
After dinner, before going to bed, I like to take a mint infusion (with a piece of mint chocolate) in this mug.The rubber strawberry bag contains herbs;I painted it for DPW challenge;we were asked to paint something with polka dots.I rummaged around to find something, I remember I used to have a polka dot blouse somewhere, but I am sure this mug was more simple to do!
Après le dîner, j'aime prendre une tisane de menthe(avec un unique carré de chocolat)) dans cette mug. La fraise de caoutchouc contient les herbes.J'ai peint ceci pour DPW, où on nous demandait de produire un truc à pois. J'ai cherché partout, me suis rappelée qu'à une époque je portais un chemisier ivoire à pois noirs, mais cette mug était surement plus simple, donc j'ai laissé là mes investigations.Et voilà!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Did you post my letter?

When is the next collection?
If you've already walked through the streets of a French village, you couldn't have missed those old yellow mailboxes, hanging on walls. For how long more, I don't know. The subject proposed by Abbey  Ryan this week for DPW was yellow colour. And what does it mean for me? Sun, spring, revival, joy, gaiety; I smile while pronouncing"yellow". That's  not the case with "black", for instance. Strangely, I don't wear yellow clothes.

A quand la prochaine levée?
Si vous avez déjà parcouru les rues d'un petit village Français, vous n'avez pas pu manquer ces anciennes boîtes à lettre jaunes, accrochées au mur.Pour combien de temps encore, je me le demande.
Le sujet proposé par Abbey Ryan pour DPW challenge cette semaine est la couleur jaune.Que signifie-t-elle pour moi?le soleil, le printemps, le renouveau, la gaieté.Je souris quand je prononce "jaune", mais pas "noi", par exemple. Bizarrement, je ne porte pas de vêtements jaunes.

Sunday, May 13, 2012


Indigo pencil on bristol 9" x11"
My first intention was to paint her with oil, but I wanted to do a sketch before, and,one thing leading to another, I spent a few hours on the drawing. But I don't give up later!
Mon intention première était de la peindre à l'huile, mais avant cela je voulais faire une esquisse;de fil en aiguille, je me suis attachée à cette fillette, et ai passé quelques heures à la dessiner.Mais je ne désespère pas, pour plus tard!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Happy day

oil on board 6" x6"
This painting, done for DPW after a given picture  by Rita Kirkman, had started well.After about 3 hours, I was quite glad;I should have stopped, but the day after I went on, and it got damaged, and the worse,it was very hard to take a right picture.I'll try to better next time...
Cette peinture, exécutée pour DPW d'après une photo donnée par Rita Kirkman (c'est une spécialiste des vaches, j'adore) était bien partie.Après 3 heures, j'étais contente du résultat.Malheureusement le lendemain j'ai continué,et ça a mal tourné.De plus, impossible de prendre une photo correcte. J'ai dû m'y prendre plusieurs fois, sur plusieurs jours, je ne voulais pas envoyer un mauvais cliché.Et même là, je crois que ce n'est pas sec, d'où un résultat douteux.Mais enfin, je me dis qu'il n'y a pas mort d'homme, je suppose que ça arrive à d'autres  aussi.Donc, je ferai mieux la prochaine fois!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Hair hanging loose

oil on board 4" x 6"
I could'nt resist to paint this spagniel, once more.I like it's expression, with it's nose up in the wind and it's teeth which come over, it makes me think about someone.. 

Saturday, April 21, 2012


I think it will be my last dog's painting of the week!
oil on board 6" x 6"
It's an English bulldog, that's why the title.

Friday, April 20, 2012


Oil on board 6" x6"
I was inspired this week by DPW  to do this serie of dogs. It was my choice, because the subject was to paint a close-up of any animal face, and imagine it's thoughts.Other ones painted all sort of funny faces, so have a look here and see how they enjoyed to do it.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Why did they call me J.R.?

oil on board 5" x 5"
I painted this nice pet for DPW challenge;we were asked this week to paint an animal the closest possible.I am not used to dogs,but I think it's a Jack Russel, that explains the title.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sunday, April 8, 2012

An egg a day

oil on board 6" x 6"
Here is my broken egg for Easter!
For an omelette, a cake?

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Where did you hide your eggs, this time?

oil  7" x 9,5"
It's the continuation of the serie poultry.
It's  the long week end, so  I wish you a happy Easter, sharing nice moments with your relatives.

Thursday, April 5, 2012


oil on board 6" x6"
I gave this title for DPW challenge this week, because it's the noise, or song, the hen does, but I am not sure you say the same in English, so what is it?

Saturday, March 24, 2012

So sweet!

oil on board 5" x 5"

Returned from Séville, after a stay of two weeks without painting, I decided to proceed to do some improvements about my work. I asked myself what is the best size for my paintings? What prompted me to order some boards in 6"x6" and 5"x7". Indeed, I can see that is the favourite size used by daily painters. However, I don't consider myself in this class, since I never tried to sell my work.Should this change, this size would be suitable.
I don't manage to decide on the name of my blog, I have already changed it, and I remain dissatisfied;but is it so important?
And what takes me a lot of time since my return, is the creation of my website, I want to make a success of it.
In the meantime, I painted this donut, for an old challenge of DPW.I suppose it would be a catastrophe for the teeth, I didn't even eat it, anyway it was a picture!

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Bruno, by Libéra Angel Guillèn
Pintando en Pedrera, is the title of the exhibition we watched this morning, in Sévilla, with 2 talented painters, Libéra Angel Guillèn and José Ramón Ramos Gómez-It is the last day of the exhibition, the painters were not there,and I have to say it's hard to find them on Internet, several people with those same names live in this world!Anyway, I liked this pantings.

mixed média

José Ramón Ramos Gómez

Friday, March 2, 2012

Happy hour

OIL 6"x10"
This tiger will never reach this pond in the jungle, for he was born and lives in a zoo.I preferred, for my painting, to suggest another living environment.
The original picture was supplied by Barb Benik,for her february's chalenge in Studio Atelier.
I am going to make a break in my paintings, we are packing to go to Sevilla, Spain, for a 15 days stay, and I leave my brushes at home, for once.(If I don't change my mind before our departure, tomorrow morning!).
So, see you soon!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

En route!

Here, I painted this cityscape for Studio notes , where Terry Miura asked us to use only 2 values at least at the beginning, ignore the details, choose one dominante color, avoid too numerous sharp edges.(This point was a little obscure for me).
I tried to follow this advice, chose french ultramarine as basic color.I had a black underpainting, as there was something else before.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Where are the children? hen #1

oil 6"x6"
Here is , maybe, the first of a serie of little animals, as hens, ducks, rabbits that I like very much. It is a change from my usual still lifes!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Valentine's cupcake

oil 7"x9"
I painted this cupcake for DPW challenge of this week. I intent to learn to make them, one of those days...

Saturday, February 11, 2012


oil on canvas paper 7"x10"
 For this painting, Lela Stankovic (PADT)asked us to be careful in this composition with the lost and found edges;our aim was to engage the viewer's mind as he gets subtle hints about what is not visible.
The advice was:
Avoid “fruit bowl effect” , having everything screaming for attention with an equal vibrancy. Slightly colored “grays” and “browns” are still very valuable balance in a painting. They allow our vibrant lights to thoroughly sing.

It was an interesting challenge, and I was happy to paint that.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fresh eggs

oil on board 7"x10"
This week, we were asked for the  DPW challenge to paint a subject white on white.I took the picture given par Ann Feldman, because it pleased me.I have wanted to paint eggs for a long time. So, it's done!
Of course, here our eggs are not white, and I wanted to give   their right colour for two of them.I hope you 'll like them!