
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Viola Cornuta

DSC_0013 (800x586)
oil on canvas board 5"x7"

Ces petites fleurs timides fleurissent tout au long de l’hiver, il faut se pencher pour les voir dans l’herbe qu’il va falloir tondre bientôt.
Those little shy flowers last the whole winter, you have to bent to see them in the grass I am going to cut very soon.
This painting, for once, was not made for a challenge, I suppose I need a change, and it’s one,  maybe,  the first time I used a painting knife, it was a start, and a nice experience.Usually I like the details, here I was obliged to leave them, regarding the small size of my painting.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Got a light?

oil on canvas board 6"x6"
 This was painted for DPW challenge this week, we were allowed to use only 2 colors, burnt sienna, ultramarine + white.
Those days, with the onterdiction to smoke, I find strange when I see people smoking, although I used to smoke myself, a long time ago.I am so glad to be delivered from this funest habit!

Saturday, February 19, 2011


oil on board 6"x6"
painted this coffee jar for PADT challenge,I've never saw this style of pot, but it's nice, it could be convenient, I suppose.

Mignonne, allons voir si la rose…(Pierre Ronsard)

oil on canvas paper 5"x7"

This was done for DPW challenge this week, it was the 1st time I painted a rose, I think.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Do you like fuchsias?

P1010012 (416x632)
oil on canvas paper 5"x7"
I am aware I have no plant of fuchsia in my garden, although I like them, their little bells; so I am planning to grow them in April, I have to find a place in the half shade.
This was painted for Artistic sentiments, and will be sent by mail to a friend of mine, her birthday is the 28th of this month, she likes flowers.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Another entry for DPW, Carol Marine new challenge.This time, we had to paint eight times an object, in 10mn each.After ending the 2nd, I suddendly wonder if , maybe, was it due to make the whole thing in 10 mn?Fortunately, no!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Chrysler Imperial

DSC_0019 (800x569)
Oil on board 5"x7"

I painted this car after a picture taken by Carol Marine, this talented painter everyone knows, for her new “DPW challenge”.You can imagine I was not the only one to participate!Have a look on the other ones!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

They’ve gone...

DSC_0016 (800x685)
oil on canvas board 7"x9"
The sky has been grey and low for several days now, the mood is easily gloomy, so friends were welcome!